## postflight
## Office for mac removal script by tausif
# Set variables #
HOME=$(sudo dscl . -read /Users/$USERNAME NFSHomeDirectory | awk '{print $2}')
#get actual home directory on mac
person=$( ls -l /dev/console | awk '{print $3}' )
#get logged in user
sudo touch "/private/var/log/office_install.log"
log () {
echo $1
echo $(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ") $1 >> $logFile
if ! (which -s dockutil && dockutil --version | grep -q '^1.1.4$';); then
cd /usr/sbin
sudo curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kcrawford/dockutil/ef55cb4cf94659074d4a4ea915e76fefbf322545/scripts/dockutil
#check for dockutil v 1.1.4 and if not there download it
sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/dockutil
# Remove Dock items early #
/usr/sbin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Word' --allhomes
/usr/sbin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Excel' --allhomes
/usr/sbin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Outlook' --allhomes
/usr/sbin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft PowerPoint' --allhomes
/usr/sbin/dockutil --remove 'Microsoft Document Connection' --allhomes
log "removed from dock"
# Install receipts assingment
OFFICERECEIPTS=$(pkgutil --pkgs=com.microsoft.office*)
osascript -e 'tell application "Microsoft Database Daemon" to quit'
log "Kill Microsoft Database Daemon"
sudo rm -rf '/Applications/Microsoft Communicator.app/'
sudo rm -rf '/Applications/Microsoft Messenger.app/'
sudo rm -rf '/Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/'
sudo rm -rf '/Applications/Remote Desktop Connection.app/'
log "Remove apps"
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/*Excel*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/*Office*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/*Outlook*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/*PowerPoint*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/*Word*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/Add New Sheet to Workbooks.action'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/Create List from Data in Workbook.action'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/Create Table from Data in Workbook.action'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/Get Parent Presentations of Slides.action'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/Get Parent Workbooks.action'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Automator/Set Document Settings.action'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Fonts/Microsoft/'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/*SharePoint*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/LaunchDaemons/*Microsoft*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/Preferences/*Microsoft*'
sudo rm -rf '/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/*Microsoft*'
sudo rm -rf '$HOME/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/'
sudo rm -rf '$HOME/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.*'
log "remove library items"
# Forget Install Receipts
pkgutil --forget $ARECEIPT
log "forgot receipts"
killall Dock
echo "All done, MS Office removed."
exit 0
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