Saturday, 30 March 2013

Username/Password incorrect on windows 7 Windows 7 Enterprise workstations.

sRecently we had an issue on our domains where users were unable to login to their PCs/ Vms and their accounts were not locking out either. We were able to resolve it using the following steps.

2.    Enable LogonUI logging
To enable LogonUI logging you will have to create below registry keys on the affected machine and reboot.

Start = dword:00000001
GUID = String:{B95DEC63-3211-421F-A54F-5B7CF24F9513}
LogFileMode = dword:00080000

Enabled = dword:00000001
EnableFlags = dword:000fffff
EnableLevel = dword:000fffff
LoggerName =String: LogonUI

To disable the Logging later, use the below value.
Enabled = dword:00000000
Tracing information will be dumped (in binary) to %windir%\system32\LogFiles\WMI\LogonUI.etl.

3.    Enable Netlogon logging on few machines to test
You may run the command  nltest /dbflag:0x2080ffff  to enable netlogon logging. Please refer to article for details
4.    Get a network trace while the issue is happening.

TThe issue was fixed by installing the follwing update from microsoft:

   After this there have been no more recurrences of the same error.

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