Friday, 21 December 2012

Microsoft Lync wants to use the OC_KeyContainer_emailaddress keychain prompt

To get rid of this prompt which Keeps shutting down Lync even after sign in browse to the folder
the folder userid/Library/Keychains by holding the alt/option key to reveal the Library folder, and delete/rename the OC_Key_Container__Signinname file. You might need to recreate your account after this.


  1. worked brilliantly... thanks.

  2. OR, Select the "Go to Folder..." option and type: "~/Library/Keychains". :)

  3. +1 Has plagued me for months and I thought I was being clever nuking all the KeyChain entires related to Lync/OC/Exchange

  4. Not working for me. Doesn't show up in keychains for me yet still get the popup

  5. Go to Folder: "~/Library/Keychains" and delete entry worked for me. Thanks!


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