The below script may be used in an SCCM task to download Dell drivers from :
"" to a PC being imaged.
Create a Dell group in the task sequence
Run the Powershell Script to filter dell systems with the WMI query as shown below.
The next step should run the powershell script shown below
Add another step to install dell drivers as using dism
"" to a PC being imaged.
Create a Dell group in the task sequence
Run the Powershell Script to filter dell systems with the WMI query as shown below.
The next step should run the powershell script shown below
Add another step to install dell drivers as using dism
The powershell script is shown below:
#By Tausif for FICO #download dell drivers directly and install during the SCCM task sequence. #Logging function borrowed from Mikael Nystrom Function Import-SMSTSENV { try { $tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment Write-Output "$ScriptName - tsenv is $tsenv " $MDTIntegration = "YES" #$tsenv.GetVariables() | % { Write-Output "$ScriptName - $_ = $($tsenv.Value($_))" } } catch { Write-Output "$ScriptName - Unable to load Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment" Write-Output "$ScriptName - Running in standalonemode" $MDTIntegration = "NO" } Finally { if ($MDTIntegration -eq "YES") { $Logpath = $tsenv.Value("LogPath") $LogFile = $Logpath + "\" + "$ScriptName.log" } Else { $Logpath = $env:TEMP $LogFile = $Logpath + "\" + "$ScriptName.txt" } } } Function Start-Logging { start-transcript -path $LogFile -Force } Function Stop-Logging { Stop-Transcript } # Set Vars $SCRIPTDIR = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $SCRIPTNAME = split-path -leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $SOURCEROOT = "$SCRIPTDIR\Source" $LANG = (Get-Culture).Name $OSV = $Null $ARCHITECTURE = $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE #Try to Import SMSTSEnv . Import-SMSTSENV #Start Transcript Logging . Start-Logging #Output base info Write-Output "" Write-Output "$ScriptName - ScriptDir: $ScriptDir" Write-Output "$ScriptName - SourceRoot: $SOURCEROOT" Write-Output "$ScriptName - ScriptName: $ScriptName" Write-Output "$ScriptName - Log: $LogFile" Function Set-RegistryKey { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Please Enter Registry Item Path",Position=1)] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Please Enter Registry Item Name",Position=2)] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Please Enter Registry Property Item Value",Position=3)] $Value, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Please Enter Registry Property Type",Position=4)] $PropertyType = "DWORD" ) # If path does not exist, create it If( (Test-Path $Path) -eq $False ) { $newItem = New-Item -Path $Path -Force } # Update registry value, create it if does not exist (DWORD is default) $itemProperty = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue If($itemProperty -ne $null) { $itemProperty = Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Value $Value } Else { $itemProperty = New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType $PropertyType } } Function Get-OSVersion() { # Version numbers as per $osVersion = "Version not listed" $os = (Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem) Switch (($os.Version).Substring(0,3)) { "5.1" { $osVersion = "XP" } "5.2" { $osVersion = "2003" } "6.0" { If ($os.ProductType -eq 1) { $osVersion = "Vista" } Else { $osVersion = "2008" } } "6.1" { If ($os.ProductType -eq 1) { $osVersion = "Windows 7" } Else { $osVersion = "2008R2" } } "6.2" { If ($os.ProductType -eq 1) { $osVersion = "Windows 8" } Else { $osVersion = "2012" } } # 8.1/2012R2 version detection can be broken, and show up as "6.2", as per "6.3" { If ($os.ProductType -eq 1) { $osVersion = "Windows 8.1" } Else { $osVersion = "2012R2" } } "10." { If ($os.ProductType -eq 1) { $osVersion = "Windows 10" } Else { $osVersion = "2016" } } } return $osVersion } $osversion = Get-OSVersion Write-Output "$osversion - Log: $LogFile" $Model = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).Model Write-Output "$Model - Log: $LogFile" ### Disable IE First Run Wizard and RSS Feeds this is needed to Invoke-Webrequest will work without running IE for the first time. Set-RegistryKey -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" -Name "DisableFirstRunCustomize" -Value 1 # Remove the "E" prefix character from Latitude models due to some dodgy Dell URLs... If ($Model.ToCharArray()[0] -eq "E" -and $Model -notmatch "Embedded") { $Model = $Model.Replace("E", "") Write-Output "Model name set to $Model - Log: $LogFile" } # Find the specific wiki page for the model from the main wiki page $URI = "" Write-Output "URI set to $URI - Log: $LogFile" $html = Invoke-WebRequest $URI -ErrorAction Stop -TimeoutSec 1800 Write-Output "$URL queried successfully - Log: $LogFile" $Href = $HTML.AllElements | Where {$_.innerText -match ("$Model" + " W") -and $_.innerText -match "Windows 10" -and $_.innerText -match "Driver" -and $_.tagName -eq "A"} | Select -ExpandProperty href If (!$Href) { Write-Output "No Wiki page found for $Model and $OperatingSystem.- Log: $LogFile" Return } Write-Output "Wiki page found for $Model and $OperatingSystem. - $Href - Log: $LogFile" # Find the download URL from the model $URI = "$Href" Write-Output "URI updated to $URI - Log: $LogFile" Try { $HTML = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -ErrorAction Stop $CabDownloadLink = $HTML.AllElements | Where {$_.innerHTML -match "Download Now" -and $_.tagName -eq "A"} | Select -ExpandProperty href #Return $CabDownloadLink Write-Output "Cab download link set to $CabDownloadLink - Log: $LogFile" } Catch { $_ Write-Output "Cab download not found- Log: $LogFile" Return } $CABfilename = $CabDownloadLink.Substring($CabDownloadLink.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) Write-Output "Cab file name is $CABfilename - Log: $LogFile" $drivedownloaddirectory = "C:\Temp" if(!(Test-Path -Path $drivedownloaddirectory )){ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $drivedownloaddirectory Write-Output "$drivedownloaddirectory created - Log: $LogFile" } $CABDestinationpath = "$drivedownloaddirectory\$CABfilename" Write-Output "The CAB will be downloaded to $CABDestinationpath - Log: $LogFile" Try { # Begin the download $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($CabDownloadLink, $CABDestinationpath) } Catch { $Stopwatch.Stop() Write-Output "Failed to download file - Log: $LogFile" $_ Return } $DriverSourceCab = (Get-ChildItem $drivedownloaddirectory).FullName $DriverExtractDest = "$drivedownloaddirectory\Extracted" if(!(Test-Path -Path $DriverExtractDest )){ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $DriverExtractDest Write-Output "Created the $DriverExtractDest directory - Log: $LogFile" } Expand "$DriverSourceCab" -F:* "$DriverExtractDest" <# #Copy-Item "C:\Windows\System32\pnputil.exe" "X:\Windows\System32" $driverinfs = get-childitem -path $DriverExtractDest -recurse -filter *.inf foreach ($inf in $driverinfs) { Write-Host "Injecting driver $inf" #pnputil -i -a $inf.FullName } #this part does not work because for some reason it throws a memory error, will replace this with: DISM.exe /Image:%OSDTargetSystemDrive%\ /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\Temp\Extracted /Recurse /logpath:%_SMSTSLogPath%\dism.log #> . Stop-Logging
This script logs to SMSTS.log directly and the dism step can log to wherever you'd like it to.
Add another step to delete the Extracted drivers and downloaded drivers as needed.